
Friday, February 8, 2013

Random Happy Home

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Oh my, time flies by so quickly! The plants on my little balcony are doing just fine and the house is filled with little treasures, like this Chagall postcard that I bought in Paris and the exotic butterfly from the Natural History Museum in Sinaia. Outside, some days are rain and some days are snow. With just a glimpse of sunshine in between.

Speaking of Paris and Sinaia, here is another treasure from my travelling days. It may seem like an ordinary fridge magnet to you, but for me it holds dear memories. I also loooove the style of the illustration! The colors of this magnet go very well with the cobalt blue pot on top of the fridge and also with the orange tea towel, don't you think so?

There are so many things that I wanna post on my blog, but life seems to get in the way. I don't even have time to hear the thoughts in my head sometimes. I am busy at work - mostly because I am very slow at doing things these days, so I never seem to finish my projects. Perhaps it's just a side effect of bad weather and prolonged exposure to grey skies :)  And now you have proof that I didn't change the Halloween art gallery in my living room :)))))))))))

There's nothing to present here, except books, plants, candles and pillows in everyday life at home.

But here I do have something to present, even if you could have already met each of the three characters in the above picture. From left to right, there is a winter scene DIY box covered in craft paper (where all my scraps of textiles come to live in perfect harmony until the next project). I made this box as a gift to myself, after doing this gift box for my friend Raluca. Then there's the neon pumpkin, which amazingly shows no real signs of decay.  Last but not least, the little wooden sailor completes the procession.


  1. Your photos are playful and fun to look at. You get more accomplished than you think Meeha! Nice post.

    1. Thank you for the support, Patty, the past two weeks have been all work and no fun :((

  2. I understand Meeha how the weather can effect you, thanks goodness the big blizzard has missed Pa. I think I'd go stir crazy:)
    Love the postcard and especially the cobalt planter on your frig!

    1. Thank you, I am still very very busy at work but at least there will be no more blizzards in here.... hopefully spring is around the corner :)

  3. Your photos are great!!I just love looking at your pics!
    Love your two kitties!!!


    1. Thank you, my cats are very happy to hear from you :)

  4. Your house is tooooo cute! And your photos are tooooo gorgeous! I love everything :)

    1. Thank you, Anna, your colorful house is not too bad, either! xoxo

  5. I agree with Patty, you do accomplish a lot! It is a happy home, indeed!

    1. Thank you, sweet sweet Ana! I am behind on catching up with comments and everything, I hope when this week is over I'll be able to get back to my usual schedule!

  6. Wonderful treasure spots you have in your personal and stylish home! Lovely fridge magnet and it's colours :-) it's so lovely with thing that enlightens beautiful memories :-) have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Mette, here a very busy week has begun but I hope to get soon back on track!

  7. My Dear friend sorry about that I'll absents because I will travel for vacation

  8. Hope you put yourself together soon and do things faster, so that you have more time for new home projects to share!

  9. Even I can barely finish my projects at work and I kept some Christmas decorations because I like them! I like your magnet souvenir and the DIY box, but what I like most are your cats!

    1. Serena, you've made me so happy! My cats say "Meow"!

  10. I love that horse illustration, gorgeous! And all the other pictures of your beautiful home! You seem to be very tidy :-)

    1. Many hugs back, dear Jutta! My father taught me that if you don't have order in the room, you can't have order in your head. I guess we both have a little OCD syndrome :))

  11. Like especially the picture with the two cats! :) One on the wall and one on the couch. Do you play chess too! :)

    1. Yes, this is my idea of making a little joke, with one cat on the wall and the other on the couch... thank you for noticing:))) And unfortunately I don't play chess, but my friends do (they were on two chairs looking at a movie on the computer when I took the photo, one Sunday afternoon)
