
Friday, November 30, 2012

Neon Christmas Inspiration

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First of all, I would like to thank all my friends for the wonderful support on my new Etsy adventure. You guys rock! And now back to the winter holidays: I am still getting the finishing touches on my plan for Christmas decorations. I find myself torn between the longing for a traditional red and white Christmas (which says that good old Christmas will be like a fairy tale, with singing carols and happy thinking from everyone in my big family) and the urge to do something else (just because I can imagine a different kind of Holiday). 

So after going along with the lucky red and white combo, I felt bound to try a new color palette. Neon! A worldwide contemporary obsession in design and a personal challenge for me. The process was quite similar to the first mood board: I just gathered stuff from the drawers in pink neon and white... and a little dusty pink, of course. I love what I see and I think I'll have a red and white Christmas in the living room and a neon one in the study ;)


  1. This is so cute! The little doll is so pretty ^^ xx

  2. Everything look so lovely and cute!!
    Happy friday!!

  3. how fun! i am sure it will look gorgeous because your home always looks like a page out of a design magazine. can't wait to see! xoxo happy december 1st!

    1. Thank you, Christine! What do you celebrate on December 1st? Because here it is the National day of Romania :) and we have a free day to enjoy.

  4. Go ahead, Meeha, I would very much like to see neon Christmas !

  5. Meeha is so cut i am sure it will look gorgeous . I would very much like to see neón Christmas !!!
    Happy weekend

  6. Neon! Fun fun fun! I do hope that you post photos because this is totally different! I really want to see what you do!

    1. Thanks, Yelle, I just bought some neon wrapping paper and I think I'm gonna start from there :)

  7. Oh, this will be such a fun, colorful Christmas!! I'm excited you chose neon and can't wait to see how it all comes together!

    1. Thanks, Erica, this is more of a dream for now, because I don't have anything neon in the house, yet!

  8. Very inspiring, but Ihave choosen ice-blue. Love your blog. D

    1. Drude, thank you for visiting again, you are so sweet!

  9. I normally don't like neon, but I love everything you make! Did you know that this post is fetured on the front page of hellocotton today? Congrats!

    1. Really, I am featured?! Yay! Unfortunately I am so busy at work that my blogging routine has been greatly disturbed these days...

  10. Can't wait to see that study! Only you!!

    1. Danni, slow down, I don't even know where to start for the neon study ... :))

  11. Great inspiration! :) Not the colors I am just to, butvery nice. An special angel, sweet. Like the wooden stars and the bird thing!

    1. Thank you, Lisa - as you can see I was not kidding about the many angels in my home :)) The pink bird nest is from a craft shop and I honestly don't know what to do with it.
