
Friday, September 14, 2012

September Light

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There is an old saying in my country which claims that ferns bring happiness to the homes they live in. My fern usually lives on the small balcony. Only I felt like making it a part of the house and I invited it into the sunny living room. That was a big mistake and I remembered in a second why we only admire this lovely plant from a distance. My feline friends seem to be attracted to the gracious leaves like moths to the light. In conclusion, I don't know how many more days I will be willing to clean the little leaves of the floor (several times a day!) so I guess the fern will spread its good karma from the balcony, just like before.

On the pink coffee table you can spot two of my latest thrifty finds: a cone striped vase and a hand painted wooden stand. Their lovely blues go perfectly with my [still] summery mood and with the lighthouse painting on the wall. This one is...? A candle stand, perhaps (with a bump on the top, ha ha!)?! Never mind, it is very beautiful and the traditional decorations make me imagine it came from a Swedish home. A little bit of Scandinavian design right in my living room :)


  1. Lovely room and gorgeous photography - and Anais is pretty special too!!

    1. Thank you, sweet Anne, when are we gonna see more of your lovely adorable furry friends? (I dig dogs, too :P)

  2. Thank you, Danni, just the thought that these are really the last summery days make it even more beautiful to me!

  3. Ciao bellissima,

    Your cat Anais is so pretty!!!.I love cats!. Thanks for your beautifuls words!!!. But your home is gorgeous, love the light in your apartment and the fabulous paint behind the lamp!. You are a great photographer!!!
    Today i worked decorating my new work space at home. A little room just for me!!!(as Virginia Woolf). Soon more terrible pictures!!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Eva, I can't wait to see your new work space ;)

  4. What an bright pink table just to keep us in the summery mood. I love they weather now too, fall is my favorite time of year. Happy Pink Sat.

  5. anais looks so comfy. your home looks like a very peaceful place :)

    1. Thank you so much, Andie, the weather here is still summery and so the apartment is enjoying it as well :)
