
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Afternoon siesta

It is soooo quiet... So quiet, that I can almost hear the ray of sun crawling on the pink coffee table and leaking through the house. The cats are sighing in their sleep, dreaming of un-catchable pigeons and yarn balls. The warm afternoon wraps up the living room in a mellow cocoon.
If only I could be a cat and dream of feathered chases in my sleep! Instead, I lay a critical eye on the art wall and try to find a way to fight my idiosyncrasies...

Well, the fact that images can be deceiving. The fact that telling half the truth equals a lie. The fact the I have to live with this:

The apartment came with a white aluminum door to the tiny balcony and with a pine wood door to the study. There once was a wall separating this awkward design, but after some taring down and overall reconstruction, these incongruous doors are stepping on my nerves! 
To paint or not to paint? That is the question.  Painting everything white may ease my visual drama. But then again, I'm afraid the house will miss the warmth of the blonde wood (which I definitely like). To change the balcony door with a pine one involves massive intervention - too much that I can even think about right now, on the border of spring asthenia.
So I shall wait for warmer days and the inspiration they will bring. For now....


  1. Wow the doors don't bother me at all! In Fact I like it that way :) I'm sure you'll figure something out though :) Also my jasmine buds got really big almost over night and I believe one of them is starting to want to open, :) It might be a placebo effect, But I believe it might be the fertilizer I used.

  2. Coincidence might be a better word than placebo effect

    1. There are no coincidences! Everything is connected, we just don't know how to read in between the lines.

    2. Hehe! Good one :) Well I woke up to 8 blooms today! They're so fragrant! It's amazing how quickly some flowers bloom. Only one looked like it was ready to bloom before I went to bed. Yes I stalk my plants too :)

    3. so send me a picture? please...

  3. Well, I think your doors look just fine and you really do have a way with words. I love your room and the addition of that little blue animal just makes it! :)
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Take it out and hang a curtain xxx

    1. Ha ha ha! Never thought of that! Maybe it will work, who knows?!

  5. Pe acest blog e de venit şi revenit ...
    Mulţumesc mult!

  6. What a fun room ~ love all the color, the chair, pink table and pillows :)

  7. Aha~ maybe some of that bright colorful translucent film would be great on that plain door! I'm sure there are lots of colors to choose from! Wonderful decorating, awesome to see! Thxs!

    1. Thanks for the tip, I never thought of that :)))
