
Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Mărţişor!

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This post has special meaning only for my Romanian readers. "Mărţişor" is an ancient Romanian tradition and its origins go back several thousands of years. We've been Christians for 2000 years, but this is a pagan ritual, which survived until today. Each year,we celebrate the coming of Spring in 1st of March. The girls, ladies and children receive a small token of Spring, called "mărţişor", attached to a red and white silk thread, to bring us prosperity, good luck and good health all year long. The white thread symbolizes the male energy and the red thread symbolizes the female energy. Together, they create Life. We must wear the little spring sign for 9 days and make a wish. So I've been busy making hundreds of small colored bows like this for the local fair. They are my "Mărţişor" for this year.
Tuturor prietenilor şi cititorilor din România, vă transmit un Mărţişor virtual plin de dragoste şi de optimism. Să vă fie primăvara aceasta caldă şi plină de soare, cum este azi afară! Şi vă mai aştept pe aici, cu drag!


  1. How lovely, Meeha! I love this kind of tradition. How do you wear your Martisor, on a clothing or so? How about the wishes, are they healthwise or love?

    1. Thank you, Ana, I wear one on my blouse and I've got two red and white bracelets on my left hand already!

  2. I love it! We wear our Martisor as a bracelet and then we put it on a tree for the swallows to take it and make their nests! Have a happy month!

    1. I know, you call it Martis :) We also have the red and white bracelets, in fact I've got two of them on my left writs as we speak!

  3. Atat de vii si luminoase!
    Multumesc mult! :)
    Care crezi ca-mi place cel mai mult?

    1. Cu mare intarziere, multumiri din suflet.... si cred ca iti place martisorul rosu cu bulinute albe :))))

  4. Multumesc pentru martisorul virtual si iti doresc o primavara frumoasa si plina de bucurii!

  5. Hi dear Michaela!
    You have been so busy, what a collection of wonderful Martisor! Lovely tradition and symbolic - I really like when traditions survives and I do hope your wish comes true! Have a wonderful weekend, big hugs, Mette

  6. Always amazing !! Great post!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Ciao Meeha,

    What a cute ancient tradition!!!. Lovely!! Happy "Martisor" & Spring!!!

  8. I didn't know it is a roman tradition. As Maro wrote we wear it on our wrists. I have not made mine yet but my sons came back from school wearing one. I love this tradition.

  9. Beautiful! Happy weekend. /Elina

  10. Such a beautiful tradition! May your wish come true! :)

  11. So lovely is your blog! Kisses from Argentina!
    I'm Lau and my blog

    1. Thank you for the very beautiful words, Lau, I'm so happy to meet you!

  12. I have Martisors hanging above my fire Meeha! My sister worked in Bucharest for three years and brought some home for us. And have I said I absolutely loved Romania - such beautiful countryside.

    1. Ann, you always have the warmest words to say about my country, thank you so much!

  13. Somehow I had missed that very interesting post. Thanks for sharing that lovely tradition with us!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! I took these little "Martisor" to a local fair at the beginning of March and they were a big hit :)
