
Friday, March 15, 2013

A Very Important Question For My Friends And Readers

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Hello, everybody! I guess you all heard by now that Google Reader will no longer be available starting on the 1st of July 2013. This means that Google Friend Connect will be gone, too. It makes me very sad, because I rely on Google reader for my daily feeds. I've got all my reads organized in there, by category and it’s very handy and easy to use. So I just  (finally) joined Bloglovin and guess what? With just one click I teleported my entire reading list from Google Reader to Bloglovin (while keeping all my reading list intact)! Yesss!

Also, the blogroll in my sidebar keeps me posted about all my special friends whom I visit almost daily, so that’s a keeper!

But loosing Google Friend Connect will surely have an impact on the way people follow my blog. I guess I just took GFC for granted, thinking it will always be there, for as long as Google and Blogger exist. My Wordpress blogger friends have already experienced this at the beginning of 2012, when GFC was no longer available for Wordpress blogs. I guess I've neglected promoting other ways of connection, like Facebook, Pinterest, G+, Bloglovin etc. The only community I've offered so far is Hellocotton, which I find very stylish, contemporary and inspiring.

So here is my questions to you, lovely friends and readers, bloggers or not:

Which way would you like to connect with me?

I am very interested to know which is easier for you, which one you use on a regular basis: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter or anything else?  Please leave me a comment below or email me at mihaelabalan8[at] I really, really appreciate your answers! It would give me great input (plus the feeling that someone out there has the same passion and interest as me in interior design for small spaces).
I've already included social media buttons on the sidebar, please feel free to follow me in whatever fashion suits you best (or all of them, for that matter).  And please leave me an answer, I am forever grateful!  
Thank you very, very much!


  1. I do a lot with Facebook and Pinterest. When I look to follow another blog I tend to look for GFC, so I can see that this will be a problem for me (and others) when it all goes away. I have had a button on my sidebar for Bloglovin forever and have a small amount of people following that way. However, I just went over and signed up myself and it was very easy and with the click of a button it imported all of the blogs I read into their site. So this might be a good option. I guess it is just getting the word out. I still feel so new at blogging and not established enough that this does honestly have me a bit concerned.

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

    1. Thank you for the quick answer, Angela! I did the same thing - made a Bloglovin account and with just one click I saved my reader list up there! I can now continue to visit all the blogs that I'm interested in!

  2. I kind of feel like I'm experiencing deja vu. Didn't we go through this last year and everyone jumped on the "linky" bandwagon and then GFC only went away for people who didn't have google blogs? And then "Linky" turned out to be not nearly as user friendly as everyone said it would?? I already have bloglovin, so I'll follow you there as well, but I think I'll wait and watch on this one for a while.

    1. I totally agree, Danni! I still remember vividly the whole "hysteria" when Wordpress bloggers lost their GFC and switching to Linky Followers - I still have the widget and as you said it turned out to be not so user friendly and not so popular at all. Now that I've switched to Bloglovin, I'm lovin' it! It's easy to use, intuitive and very friendly, very good looking :) Following you back, too!

    2. Correction: I'm already following you with Bloglovin :)))))

  3. I love to follow blogs with BlogLovin! I also follow all the blogs I follow with Twitter too- that way I can get a more personal relationship with them!

  4. So it IS you following me on bloglovin :) I follow you via Bloglovin already as I now rely on my phone a lot for reading blogs and the Bloglovin app allows me to do that whereas the Blogger app doesn't.

    Katie x

  5. I just switched over to Bloglovin' too, although I'm also trying out Feedly. I also have Twitter and Facebook accounts. :)

  6. I never relied on Google Reader as it was not working properly most of the times. I use to read all my favorite blogs through Bloglovin'. There you can have them categorized and for me it's the most reliable and handy way! Hope I helped!

  7. Personally, I like receiving new post in my mail box, so I can catch up and at the same time check if I had any commments on my blog. But I have the same problem as you with GFC. If they disappear, will I loose all my followers? I know I have to add something new on my blog so people can keep following, but I just don't know what for now, so I'm kind of waiting to see what other bloggers will choose. Not being very pro-active, here, I know!

  8. I have heard about this too and I too were dependent on google reader just last month I created Facebook page..I will look in to bloglovin. Thanks

  9. I prefer bloglovin - mostly because I have used this since it started, I haven't really used google connect - And an e-mail from all those blog I follow would overload my mail box in no time, and it would be difficult for me to see which e-mails that need acton. So I'll still be followin you on BL.
    Have a wonderful sunny sunday dear, bigs hugs!

  10. love your button btw, so cute!

  11. I will follow you on bloglovin, because I don't have a FB or Twitter account yet.

  12. With email and blogg! :) Hugs from me

  13. okay that cat just stole my heart!! Following with BlogLovin!!!

  14. to be honest "readers" kind of overwhelm me so i just bookmark my favorite daily read blogs in one folder and blogs i like to visit regularly in another folder and i just click on them directly through that. i do like bloglovin' and hellocotton though, i think their layouts are very user friendly and do not give me that overwhelmed feeling.

  15. I'm so sad about this.. I have to study how to do... I think I will try blogloving!

  16. If knittn'z your thang, miss babe,
    then I suspect you'll do a whoooole
    lotta knittn in Seventh-Heaven, huh?
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
