
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Happy Home

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There is not much going on at home, for the moment. I feel like I'm waiting for something - I think it's spring I'm waiting for. Lots of small stuff are piling up on the cabinets. Meanwhile, the rooms have totally lost their holiday decorations and are back to normal. This is quite interesting, because in the past few years you could see Christmas stuff even in the first days of March :)) The plants and flowers are looking good and starting to get new life.

Speaking of flowers, I totally forgot to plant my bulbs for the winter. I should have done it ages ago - and I clearly remember buying this hyacinth bulb on the 14th of October. It should have been in full bloom by now, silly me. But I always say, better late than never - so I shall plant tulips and hyacinths tomorrow.

Everything stands still in the living room. Having friends over last weekend means lots of poufs and pillows for extra seating on the floor. And far in the back, there is a box full of yarn balls. I feel like crocheting something for early spring, perhaps in mint shades.

And here is the proof, dear ladies: I finally took down the decorations from the white Christmas tree, put them in the Christmas box and stored the box up on a shelf in the balcony, until next time. That feels liberating!

Sneak peek of the orchid getting ready to burst out with an elegant crown of amazing sensual flowers. Don't worry, I'll keep you informed once they have bloomed :)

And a bonus pic: there is still plenty of snow outside. Looking at my outfit, I wonder why I was dressed just like the Christmas elf?!


  1. I like your home , it is sooo vivid!
    And, why are you dressed like you work part-time for Santa? ;D

    1. I must have applied for a job in Laponia and forgot all about it :))))))

  2. I am so adoring that hyacinth bulb in the stacked pink! So you! Laughing at the elf comment and didn't think so til you said it!

    1. Thanks, Danni, I never noticed the elf resemblance until I wrote the post, either :))

  3. Your pictures always make me smile :) Love the elf comment, but the colors look beautiful together:)

    Hugs to you,

  4. This year I too took down my Christmas decorations early. Not sure what it is this year, but last year I had my lights up as late as April :)

    1. Yes, I clearly remember your beautiful pics. I think it's the spirit of the time; each year is different and WE are a little bit different, as well :)

  5. I love the color combination of the first photo.. is that your fireplace? Love it, the black and the purple and all the matrioskas!

    1. Thank you, Laura, but I must admit I don't have a fireplace. That is a vintage cabinet that belonged to my great grandfather :)

  6. So nice photos :) AS ALWAYS!
    I was so intrigued by the picture number 2 So artistic and dekkorativt.
    So it sounded so cozy with friends company with lots of pillows, guess it was a lot of laughter too ;)

    Have a nice evening!

    1. Oh, Janne, you are the only one to notice picture number two (I am very proud of it, I was just playing with the camera but I wish that many of my pics would look like that). And yes, I run an "open house" where my (younger, unmarried) friends are welcome anytime they want. We basically listen to lots of music and laugh our hearts out ;)

  7. I love your style. Everything is pretty and cool. Other than the bulbs being planted looks like you are ahead of the game this year! I love the last picture! Your outfit is wonderful! Beautiful fabrics!

    1. Karen, you just made me blush and I'm lucky that no one can see me now - thank you for the lovely words!

  8. Your skills in photografy are amazing! The elf did it again! :)

  9. Beautiful Michaela! Your space is so personal and interesting for the eye! Wow you're pretty good with orchids, I haven't manage to make them Bloom again. Wondeful outfit, love your red skirt!!!

    1. I studied a great deal about making orchids bloom again (online, of course) and now I've had them bloom for 4 years :)

  10. Your photos are beautiful,I like your home!

  11. ha, i love your outfit! your house always makes me wish i could come visit and have a chat, it's just so inviting!

    1. You are welcome anytime, Christine, I'm serving jasmine black tea :)

  12. Hi Michaela, nice to meet you! I found your blog via Ana@carpe_diem and I'm very pleased about it. Your house is filled with life and your joyful spirit and I really like it. I follow your blog and I hope you'll stop by to look at my home.

  13. I love the color combination of the first photo.. Love it, the black and the purple and all the matrioskas!

  14. Such beautiful photography! You are so very talented! Angie xo

  15. Absolutely wonderful! I love it! <3

  16. Another gorgeous post! LOVE your outfit :-). And of course i also love your home xxx

    1. Thank you, Jutta! Even in my outfit I can't wear neutrals. But if I had golden hair like you, I would :)
