
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Meeha Was Here

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Happy New Year for 2013, dear friends, I am back from the mountains and ready to rock! I may sound very dynamic right now, but the truth is that it is difficult to come back to Earth (literally) and get re-adjusted to the pace of "normal" life. On the top of the mountains, there is a different vibe. Time does not exist. Nor do deadlines. It's just you face to face with your freedom.

It took us a 7 hours drive to get from our home town to the base of the mountain. And we climbed on foot for 4 hours, more than 1,000 m altitude (from 700 m high to 1720 m, where Cabana Malaiesti is). At times, my feet would move automatically, on a little strip of icy snow, but it was all worth it. The sun had been shining every day, bathing the peaks in a blinding light.

You could see other mountain peaks in the distance and they all looked like the waves of a beautiful sea. But this is a sea of beauty in the clouds, close to forever. I am the kind of girl who puts on her mountain boots to celebrate New Year's Eve, which reminds me to guide you to my post last year (different mountain, 8 hours drive from home, 1858 m altitude).

Texture one: the blinding sun.

Texture two: the purest snow for you.

Texture three: the mountain rocks and me.

Texture four: a spring runs for more.

Texture five: a woolly dog digs my vibe.


  1. What a fabulous adventure and a perfect way to ring in the NEw Year!! And cute dog :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Janel! Have a fabulous year, xoxo!

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. You are too sweet, Anne! I wish you could see that magnificent beauty with your own eyes, xoxo!

  3. Wow! That place looks so amazing! We went to the mountain too this new years eve! I loved what you said about being on top and only face to face with your freedom. It's lovely, I find that so true. Happy new year dear Meeha!

    1. Happy New Year for you too, Andrea! I can see those yoga classes keep you in a serene state of mind!

  4. Gorgeous! You lucky girl! Great photos too.

  5. Meaha, I am speachless, that plase is devine! I know you had great time overthere! But, it's so nice to have you back, dear friend!

    1. What can I say - it was worth going there and now I am glad to be back among friends!

  6. Bine-ai revenit, Miha.
    Ce vacanţă frumoasă!
    Întotdeauna mi-a plăcut la Mălăieşti... parcă nicăieri stelele nu sunt mai frumoase!

    1. Adevarul e ca in fiecare seara aveam un ritual: ne minunam de cate stele sunt, ce sclipitoare sunt, apoi pandeam luna sa apara de dupa peretele "caldarii" in care e construita cabana.
      SI pe drumul de intoarcere, seara tarziu pe la Bacau, deja nu mai erau aceleasi stele...

  7. Beautiful photos,that mountain looks so amazing!

  8. Mehaa Gorgeous! You lucky girl! Great photos too happy new year 2013

  9. glad to see you back! what an adventure you were on! oh my i wish i could claim to be that adventurous, 4 hour trek in the snow, amazing! it looks worth though. absolutely stunning. i am with you, i have been dragging myself back to routine. it's not as easy as it seems it should be.

    1. Thank you, Christine! I am quite lazy myself, but I never say no to mountain tracking, because when you get high up there on top of everything, it is surely worth it!

  10. Dear Meeha,
    What a great pictures! And what a nice trip in the snow with the sun. Wow! Beautiful.
    Have a very..very good 2013! Full of inspiration. Nice that we have meed in 2012.
    Sweet greet, Martine.

  11. Happy that you are back! I was a bit worried. Beautiful nature! Great pictures! :)

  12. So beautiful! I miss the mountains of my previous home so much! I know just what you mean about your feet moving automatically on a long hike in the mountain snow! Thank you for sharing this special place!

    1. The climbing was awesome, I hope that in spring I'll be on a another hike!
