
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Random Happy Home

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Pheew! Now that my Advent Calendar is up, there is only one thing to do: prepare for Christmas! I look around my little apartment and I see how the colors of the Fall make way to the Christmas fluffiness (it's all about the fluffy side of life with me!). Some things change, and some stay the same, like my princess lamp  shade next to the purple plum wall in the bedroom.

The chrysanthemum in a tea cup: soft lavender, turquoise and peach for a little November vignette. 

The neon pumpkin looks even shinier than before and is currently serving as an organic bookend. 

Full fluffiness ahead: the cats' favorite nap spot: a giant jute beanbag and a sheepskin pillow in the shadow.

More mums on the coffee table, the last days of glory for my Halloween gallery wall and a lovely mess drowning in a sea of colored dots. 


  1. i so adore the photos of your home. i love that area rug and the coffee tables! i can only find nesting ones - i like the two together the same size.

    1. Christine, some years ago I wanted the peekaboo clear lucite nesting tables so badly! But they didn't sell in my country, so I bought a huge sheet of thick plastic and had them custom made at a local shop :))

  2. i really enjoy when you present your home like this. it gives me the feeling that i have been over there for a visit :D

    1. Ana, I don't think that's impossible in this lifetime :)

  3. Mehha I love the photos of your home. i love rug and the transparent coffee tables!

  4. Ciao Meeha,
    I love the brightness of your home, looks so cozy, but the cute rug capture my artistic sensibility!!!.

  5. Lovely pictures as always Meeha - chrysanths are a favourite of mine - the smell always reminds me of my Dad has he grew them every year. Love your crepe paper bunting too - so simple but so stylish.

    1. What a lovely coincidence, Ann - my dad is crazy about chrysanthemums, too and we love the smell (although many people in my country resent it because they think it's too bitter)

  6. Much nice inspiration! Lovely angel and like the brown bottles! :)

    1. Lisa, I'm happy that you like the brown bottles, I think they look smashing and I've got a whole collection of them :)
      PS: I also have many angels hidden in every room of my home :)

  7. A very poetic post, with lovely pictures.
    Katie x

    1. Thank you so much, Katie, I never think of my posts as "poetic" but I take it as a wonderful compliment :)

  8. I always love your pics and the happiness of your home. I'm sure it reflects you!

    1. Thank you, Laura, if I live in a dull home my spirits go down but if I am in a pretty room than I feel better. It's always been like that for me.
