
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Retro Fall

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I'm getting back to my design roots with this retro look. Why is that? Because in spite of my current decorating style that you can see on the blog, I am in fact a little nerdy at heart. I am a geek who loves round furniture, new materials, organic shapes and acid colors. My first "designer" love in kindergarten was Kubrick's film set from "Space Odyssey" and I've been hooked on 70's style ever since. I still don't understand why we don't see a Djinn chair in every home and why our tables have four legs instead of just one :))

Of course, my personal taste has undergone major changes in the last 30 years. I love an eclectic interior and I've learned to appreciate the charming warmth of natural textures. Still, from time to time, I feel the need to escape to a world of happy curves and this is exactly what we have here today. The Fall colors from the Tam Tam stool, the apple lamp and the little lithography on the wall (upper right corner, made from real leaves) converge beautifully in the Mad Hatter poster. I don't mind, since I've got a Bukowski poetry book to read from :)


  1. Imi place la tine acasa!
    E vesel si colorat!
    Iar florile din balcon...

    1. Multumesc, Anastasia :) Ca bine zici, ar cam fi cazul sa mai postez flori - am o explozie de panselute de toamna!

  2. What a beautiful corner you made!!!. I love your fall orange inspiration so inviting!

  3. What a fun way to decorate! I love the giant green apple.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting my fall colors, Elise! I love the green apple lamp, too :)

  4. You so know I love this! You are my favorite interior decorator!

    1. Come now, Danni, you're making me blush! xoxo!
