
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fooling Around

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The last peonies lost their petals and I kept fooling around with them. Is this a good time to make a heart beat faster? Nature is beautiful even in its slightest details and there are a thousand stories to be told about the mystery of each delicate petal, generic and unique at the same time. Humans are just the same: you think you know a man just by looking at his / hers appearance, job or social status. But in fact we are all different and no one can judge by the exterior.

Sorry for the impromptu philosophical speech, I just got carried away (!) Even if my passion is interior design, I've always been fascinated with people, the way they appear and the way they really feel inside. When I was little, I used to play a little game. I would observe someone for a long time and then I would make predictions about their reaction in a certain situation. And what better way to think about this question called Life, other than over a cup of tea?

And finally, you all know by now about the two felines who populate my little home, so I also made a cat. A pink cat swirling its tail like a backwards question mark. Or like an unwind spiral. Or like a hook.


  1. Very cool! I love that you take the time to play with Peony petals!

    1. Thank you, Danni, the petals told me what to do :)

  2. ingenios!
    îmi plac foarte mult ideile tale!
    sunt încântată cu fiecare postare!
    cât descpre speechul tău... unde s-ar fi potrivit mai bine, dacă nu printre figurine din petale roz!?! :)
    o seară minunată!

    ps. ai dreptate, omul contează, nu ambalajul!

    1. Ce sa fac, Anastasia, uneori este ata de greu sa vedem dupa perdeaua de fum... Si iti multumesc din suflet pentru cuvintele frumoase, sa stii ca pentru mine conteaza enorm cand cineva chiar ma viziteaza din placere :)

  3. you are sooo funny! i like your spirit :)

    1. Thank you, Ana, I was a little taken away... :P

    2. Dear Mihaela, there's a So Sweet Blog award waiting for you at my blog! Come over! :))))
