
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Princess

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My princess has got this tiny waste line that she wraps in a delicate lace belt. She dresses in pretty voile and her texture is so light, that even the slightest breeze can steal her away, on the wings of the summer wind. She is as white as the snow and as delicate as the sea foam from the Mediterranean. When she walks, her gown caresses the ground with a touch of whimsy songs from the never-ever-land. Can you guess who my new princess might be?

Meet Alba - my little thrifted lamp. Lamp-shade, actually, for she didn't even have a body to go with that wonderful airy head of hers. Notice the little fringes and the intricate design of the lace accent. I think I'm in love! Against the hand-made wallpaper in my study, she looks like she is the queen of the world! Her presence lights up the room and sets the mood for a quiet dream. I dream of a gigantic polar bear named Arr. He lets me ride on his back around the North Pole. We'll go visit his cousin Ulah and we will all have rum and raisin ice-cream treats.


  1. what a gorgeous, gorgeous lamp! goes perfectly with your new look...which i love love love!

    1. Thank you sooooo much, Andie! You know how to make a girl's heart bloom with joy! I wasn't sure about the white look of the blog, but I guess that 10 days of 97 degrees pushed me to the light side :))

  2. That lamp is absolutely stunning!!!! A work of art!

    1. Thank you, Stacy, I love the little lamp, too!
