
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thrifted lamps

So I discovered a new thrift shop in town! Yay! It's got everything: clothes (a very bad assortment), pins, furniture (a lot), old frames (overpriced), old paintings (too dull for my taste), vintage photos (priceless), toys  (I've got my eye on a Nutcracker...), china, brass, decorative umbrellas and fans (delicately beautiful) and... lamps! 
I snapped the little Moroccan lamp for 3 bucks. It's made from camel skin -  a real beauty! I was in Marrakesh two years ago and these gorgeous luminaries were selling on every street corner, usually in crazy neon colors. I wanted one so bad! But the thought of passing one through the ordeal of the severe Morocco customs and the fear of braking the camel skin refrained me from buying one. And I've been regretting it ever since!
I guess Santa thought I've been a good girl and guided me to this thrift shop:) Of course, there's the dark side of the Marrakesh lamp: 2 horrible cuts that can no longer be mended. Look:

As for the lace suspension lamp, I'm not even sure what it is! Is it a macrame lantern? Is it some sort of dream catcher? A garden accessory, maybe? If you're reading this and know what this thing is, please let me know! As to the ugly side of it, the warp is quite damaged, as you can see below:

Well, nevermind. These beauties have got "DIY updating project" written all over them! I can't wait to find a solution and to fix them:)
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